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This Blog will contain everything that related to DANCE.
Since I like dancing too, I will share some of my favorite dance types, dance moves, famous dancers, and ofcourse some tutorials to help you learn the steps :D
I hope this blog can help you with your dancing!
Enjoy ^_^

“All that is important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused.”Martha Graham


Tuesday, November 20, 2012 @ 8:40 AM

A suicide is a sudden drop to a b-boy's back. They are frequently employed as finishing moves. Ideally, suicides are very flashy and painful-looking moves. Good suicides elicit exclamations of "ouch" from onlookers and can even be comical to a certain degree. They usually end with the breaker perfectly still, enhancing the image that he has injured himself. Despite appearances, different training and techniques are used to minimize the pain of suicides. A suicide is also used to demonstrate a possible ending to a conflict that groups may have with each other.

This is actually a type of bboy dance moves. The name is quite unique so I decided to search more about it. And it turns out that this move requires braveness and a bit dangerous for beginners. I don't think I can do it myself lol.


credit: oakestilo

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